Puzzlepack boardgame


Last summer we created a puzzlepack boardgame as a gift for a selection of our clients. In this case, the puzzlepack contained a card and a puzzle piece. The puzzle piece is a part of a big puzzle. As soon as the puzzle was put together, a board game could be played with the puzzle. We also made a box which could hold the puzzle pieces and the other items needed for the game such as the pawns and dice. The game rules are printed on the inside of the box, so the complete game can be kept in the box.

The theme of the game is football, refer to the European football championship. The receivers first received the box with the pawns, the dices and all the puzzle pieces except one. A few days later, they received the puzzlepack. This puzzlepack contained the missing piece of the puzzle and a card which were essential to play the game.

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The possibilities of the puzzlepack

The puzzle pack allows your customers to collect a puzzle. Even like this case you could choose for a puzzle what could be used as a board for a game, so that after puzzling they can actually play a game. In this way, with one product the target group is triggered into action several times; first when collecting the puzzle pieces (and any other components of the game), then during puzzling and then when playing the game.

Curious about the possibilities of the puzzlepack or one of our other products? Please contact us!

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